Skuteretty / Skuterbayki / Scooters / Mopeds with engines 49.5 / 49.9 / 97 / 106 / 109 / 120 / 125 cm3, repair e-manual (in Russian)
About the manual
Displacement: 49.5 / 49.9 / 97 / 106 / 109 / 120 / 125 cm3
Power: 2.0 / 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.2 / 5.5 / 6.5 / 7.0 / 7.5 kW
In the manual you will find
- Instructions for repair of various vehicle components
- Information on self-service bikes
- Information on the design of the bikes and how to prevent failure
- The information for the trip to the service station, if the self-repair is impossible
Scooters, scooterettes, scooters, mopeds, mokiki (general information)
- Introduction
- Scooter selection
- Technical characteristics of the most common models
Device (construction of basic systems)
- Layout of the main parts and components
- Controls
- Ignition switch
- Control devices
- Engines (two-stroke and four-stroke)
- Power system
- Lubrication system
- Transmission
- Chassis
- Brake system
- Electro-equipment
Operation and maintenance
- Diagnostic inspection before a trip
- Motion control
- Care and off-season storage
- Maintenance schedule
Diagnosis, maintenance and repair
- Tools and materials necessary for the diagnosis and serious repair of the scooter
- Safety measures for the maintenance and repair of the scooter
- Facing - removal and installation
- Replacing the spark plug
- Air filter - removal, washing and installation
- Fuel filter replacement
- Replacement of engine oil
- Battery - removal and installation
- Replacement of main electric fuse
- Headlamp light - adjustment
- Oil change in the rear gear
- Adjusting the valve clearance
- Carburetor - diagnosis, adjustment, disassembly and assembly
- Fuel tank
- Vacuum tap
- Power unit - removal and installation
- Two-stroke engine - disassembly and assembly
- Four-stroke engine - disassembly and assembly
- Removing and installing variator
- Maintenance and repair of the transmission of "chain" scooters
- Diagnosis of scooter malfunctions
- Tightening torques for threaded connections
- Diagnosis of the quality of the mixture by the color of the spark plug insulator
- Schematic diagrams of electrical equipment
- Types of switches, pinout connectors and typical models of scooters, motorcycles
- Selection of pistons and cylinders
- Interchangeability table for spark plugs
- Table of types of pads and disks for scooters of different firms