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About service

If you need:

Perform repair


  • Want to save money
  • No time to go to the service station
  • Fault caught in road
Prepare for a trip to the service station

Prepare for a trip to
the service station

  • You do not want to be cheated and overpay
  • It is necessary to monitor the quality of service centers
A better understanding of arrangement

A better understanding
of arrangement

  • Understanding of arrangement — exploitation without problems
  • Solving problems without recourse to authorized dealers
Choose parts and consumables

Choose parts and

  • The exact localization of the problem
  • Possibility of selection of non-original spare parts and consumables

In the help Electronic Repair Guide!

Electronic Repair Guide
About us

Available on any device, from any location and at any time.

Here are some features of electronic manuals:
Features Manuals
The unique troubleshooting system will facilitate the identification of faults on the given criteria.

Choose Manual:

Select car

Few about our friendly team

For almost 20 years we have specialized in the design and manufacture of professional guidelines for the repair and maintenance of vehicles for car enthusiasts and specialists of service stations, as well as in the production of textbooks for novice drivers. Strict scientific and methodical approach, coordination of work of the whole team provide our publications the status of the master class in the field of technical and educational literature, as evidenced by the ever-increasing demand for products, as well as many grateful comments from both the novice motorists, as well as from professionals-repairmen.

All of our technical literature authors have personal experience in the operation, maintenance and repair their own cars, which leads to a sensible and affordable supply of the material on the pages produced manuals. Thus, books on car maintenance are both professional manuals containing detailed instructions for the major overhaul, with all the necessary specifications, and great benefits for beginners car owners who are avid motorists sometimes with good irony called "kettles."

Amicable «KrutilVertel» service team will be your reliable assistant in the garage and on the road!