Наши книги можно приобрести по карточкам єПідтримка!


We always aim to assist our clients immediately upon their request and set a high value on the status as an exclusive distributor of many automotive book publishers. The established manufacturers entrust us to sell their e-manuals, including publications of Monolit, Autoresurs, Avtoclub and so on.

Professional team of managers and technical experts is constantly ready to answer any questions from you. You can always contact us by using feedback form or calling us.

Representative office in Ukraine:


Ukraine, Kharkiv, st. Klochkovskaya 111-a (office center "Tetris")
e-mail: [email protected]

   facebook chat

Representative office in Poland:


Poland, Krakow, Kazimir Kordylevskyi street, 11
e-mail: [email protected]

   facebook chat