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Peugeot 806 / Citroen Evasion / Fiat Ulysse / Lancia Zeta 1994 thru 2001, wiring diagrams (in Russian)

Peugeot 806 / Citroen Evasion / Fiat Ulysse / Lancia Zeta 1994 thru 2001, wiring diagrams (in Russian)
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8 10 1
Publisher: © "Gusi-Lebedi"
ISBN: 985-455-002-8-1
Number of pages: 23
Format: file PDF

About the manual

Type: petrol / diesel

Displacement: 1.8 / 2.0 / 1.9D / 2.0D / 2.1D L.

In the manual you will find

  • electrical wiring diagram Peugeot 806 / Citroen Evasion / Fiat Ulysse / Lancia Zeta
In this book, only the schemes of electrical connections are given.
To get acquainted and to buy the full book on car repair Peugeot 806 / Citroen Evasion / Fiat Ulysse / Lancia Zeta 1994 thru 2001 (including electrics) it is possible under the link


Wiring diagrams

Starter, generator

Magnetti-marelli fuel injection system. 1.8 liter engine

Fuel injection and ignition system. 2.0 liter turbocharged engine

Bosch MP3 fuel injection and ignition system. 2.0 liter 8-valve engine

Cooling system. 2.0 liter turbocharged engine with one

Cooling system. 2.0 liter turbocharged engine with two radiator fans

Cooling system. 1.8 liter engine with one radiator fan

Cooling system. 2.0 liter engine with two radiator fans

Starter, alternator, preheating system. 1.9 liter diesel engine

Starter, alternator, preheating system. 2.1 liter diesel engine

Cooling system. 1.9 liter diesel engine with two radiator fans

Cooling system. 2.1 liter diesel engine with two radiator fans

Rear fog lights and fog lights

Brake lights, reversing lights and additional brake lights

Direction indicator and hazard warning lights

Sound signals

High and low beam

Parking lights

Illumination of the instrument panel and cigarette lighter. Illumination of switches and thresholds

Headlight washer

Front glass cleaner and washer

Rear window wiper and washer

Heating and ventilation

Air conditioner

Oil pressure monitoring system

Brake pad monitoring system

System for monitoring the level of brake fluid and the position of the parking brake

Fuel system

Power windows for driver and passenger doors

Rear power windows

Heated rear window and exterior mirrors

Automatically adjustable exterior mirrors