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Auto Club Car Publishing

Auto Club Car Publishing

Automotive publishing house "Autoclub" is a fairly young Ukrainian publishing house that develops and publishes professional manuals for the repair and operation of cars. They are intended for both car enthusiasts and car service specialists. The publisher's tutorials will be helpful for every novice driver.

Tracking the automotive market allows you to identify the most relevant editorial direction. Thus, the reader is given an active role as he directly influences the range of technical literature.

Each e-book of the publishing house of automotive literature "Autoclub" combines accuracy, quality, reliability of information, its convenient and logical placement. Highlights in the text and special inserts facilitate the process of mastering the material. Comfortable use is the key to understanding and pleasant reading. The employees of the Avtoclub publishing house are well aware of this, putting their creativity and positive mood into each book. The work of the editorial team is rewarded by the growing demand for car books and numerous thanks from motorists.

Any manual prepared by the publisher necessarily contains detailed answers to such questions:

  • how to replace drive belts in a car,
  • how to change the radiator on your car yourself,
  • how to prepare for a trip to the service station,
  • how to properly operate and maintain a car,
  • what consumables are needed for maintenance,
  • how to check the engine cooling system,
  • what is passive safety,
  • and much more.

The responsible approach of the publishing house team, as well as practical skills, help to form complex technical knowledge into understandable professional manuals containing detailed instructions for car repair. The specifics of each car model, each step of the procedures and the skill level of the motorist are taken into account.

Avtoclub Publishing House is a technical manual for car repair and maintenance, created on the basis of advice from car owners. Each author of the Autoclub publishing house is interested in providing the reader with literature with the status of a master class. Books go through several stages of review before reaching the target audience.

The publishing house's literature includes reliable information on car repair and maintenance. The technical features of educational books of the Autoclub publishing house are high print quality and the use of high-quality images.