Toyota Sequoia / Toyota Tundra, engine 1GR-FE / 1UR-FSE / 2UZ-FE / 3UR-FE (in Russian)
About the manual
Type: 1GR-FE / 1UR-FSE / 2UZ-FE / 3UR-FE
Displacement: 4.0 / 4.6 / 4.7 / 5.7 L.
Power: 236 / 276 / 381 hp
In the manual you will find
- engine repair manual 1GR-FE / 1UR-FSE / 2UZ-FE / 3UR-FE
- engine lubrication system 1GR-FE / 1UR-FSE / 2UZ-FE / 3UR-FE
- engine power system 1GR-FE / 1UR-FSE / 2UZ-FE / 3UR-FE
- engine control system 1GR-FE / 1UR-FSE / 2UZ-FE / 3UR-FE
4.0L gasoline engine mechanical (1GR-FE)
- Technical operations on the car
- Complete engine
- Engine repair
- Service data and specification
The mechanical part of the gasoline engine with a volume of 4.7 liters (2UZ-FE)
- Technical operations on the car
- Complete engine
- Engine repair
- V-Belt
- Cylinder head
- Timing belt
- Service data and specification
5.7L gasoline engine mechanical (3UR-FE)
- Technical operations on the car
- Complete engine
- Engine repair
- V-Belt
- Cylinder head
- Service data and specification
4.6L gasoline engine mechanical (1UR-FSE)
- Technical operations on the car
- Complete engine
- Engine repair
- Service data and specification
Lubrication system
- Engine oil change
- Checking engine oil pressure
- Oil cooler
- Oil filter
- Engine oil pressure sensor oil pump
- Service data and specification
Power system
- Fuel tank and fuel pump
- Fuel rail and fuel injectors
Engine management
- Evaporative emission system
- Evaporative emission canister purge valve
- Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV)
- Oxygen sensors