Toyota Auris, engine 1NR-FE / 1ZR-FE / 1ND-TV / 1AD-FTV (in Russian)
About the manual
Type: 1NR-FE / 1ZR-FE / 1ND-TV / 1AD-FTV
Displacement: 1.3 / 1.4D / 1.6 / 2.0D L.
Power: 90 / 99 / 124 / 132 hp
In the manual you will find
- engine repair manual 1NR-FE / 1ZR-FE / 1ND-TV / 1AD-FTV
- engine lubrication system 1NR-FE / 1ZR-FE / 1ND-TV / 1AD-FTV
- engine power system 1NR-FE / 1ZR-FE / 1ND-TV / 1AD-FTV
- engine control system 1NR-FE / 1ZR-FE / 1ND-TV / 1AD-FTV
Mechanical part of the engine (gasoline engines)
- Inspection without removal from the vehicle
- Drive (V-ribbed) belt
- Camshaft (camshaft)
- Cylinder head
- Cylinder head gasket
- Crankshaft oil seals
- Complete engine
- Engine block
Mechanical part of the engine (diesel engines)
- Inspection without removal from the vehicle
- Drive (V-ribbed) belt
- Cylinder head
- Cylinder head gasket
- Crankshaft oil seals
Lubrication system
- Car service
- Oil and oil filter
- Lubrication sensors
- Oil pump
- Engine oil cooler (diesel engines)
Power system
- Car service
- Fuel tank
- Fuel pump assembly
- Fuel pressure regulator
- Fuel level sensor assembly
- Fuel injector, fuel rail
Engine management
- Accelerator pedal
- Engine control module (ECM)
- Throttle body
- System sensors