Engines Cummins QSK19, repair e-manual
About the manual
Engine type: Cummins QSK19
In the manual you will find
- Step-by-step guide to repair various components and assemblies
- Self-care and maintenance instructions
- Engine design and prevention information
- Information for a trip to the service station, if self-repair is not possible
- About the manual
- General cleaning instructions
- General repair instructions
- General safety instructions
- How to use the manual
- Illustrations
- Symbols
Engine identification
- Engine diagrams
- Engine identification
- Specifications
Complete engine
- Engine assembly
- Engine disassembly
- Service tools
Cylinder block
- Bearings, connecting rod
- Bearings, main
- Bearings, thrust
- Camshaft
- Camshaft bushings
- Camshaft gear (camshaft removed)
- Connecting rod
- Crankshaft
- Crankshaft gear, front (crankshaft installed)
- Crankshaft gear, rear (crankshaft installed)
- Crankshaft pulley
- Cylinder block
- Cylinder block - general information
- Cylinder block and liner seats
- Cylinder block counterbore
- Cylinder liner
- Cylinder liner protrusion
- Gear cover accessory drive bushing
- Gear cover, front
- Gear cover spacer plate
- Idler gear, camshaft
- Idler gear, hydraulic pump
- Idler gear, water pump
- Service tools
Cylinder head
- Crosshead
- Cylinder head - general information
- Valve, cylinder head
- Valve guide, cylinder head
- Valve seat bore
- Valve seat insert, cylinder head
Rocker levers
- Crankcase breather (external)
- Rocker lever
- Rocker lever bushings
- Rocker lever cover
- Rocker lever housing
- Rocker levers - general information
- Service tools
Cam followers / tappets
- Cam follower assembly
- Cam follower cover
- Cam followers/tappets - general information
- Push rods or tubes
Fuel system
- Fuel pump
- Fuel shutoff valve (FSOV)
- Fuel system - general information
- Service tools
Injectors and fuel lines
- Fuel filter head
- Fuel manifold (supply)
- Fuel supply lines
- Fuel rail supply line
- Injector
- Injectors and fuel lines - general information
Lubricating oil system
- Lubricating oil cooler
- Lubricating oil filter head
- Lubricating oil filter head adapter
- Lubricating oil filter head (remote-mounted)
- Lubricating oil pan
- Oil pan capacity
- Lubricating oil pump
- Lubricating oil system - general information
- Oil transfer connection
- Service tools
Cooling system
- Coolant thermostat
- Cooling system - general information
- Fan, cooling
- Fan drive idler arm assembly
- Fan drive idler pulley assembly
- Fan hub, belt driven
- Cooling system
- Water pump
- Water pump bearings
Drive units
- Accessory drive pulley
- Drive units - general information
- Fuel pump drive
- Fuel pump drive gear and shaft
- Hydraulic pump drive
- Hydraulic pump drive gear and shaft
- Hydraulic pump support bushing
- Outer hydraulic pump support drive
- Rear gear drive (lower assembly)
- Rear gear drive (upper assembly)
- Water pump drive bushing
- Water pump drive gear and shaft
- Water pump drive pulley
Air intake system
- Aftercooler assembly
- Aftercooler coolant tube
- Air crossover
- Air intake system - general information
- Charge air cooler (CAC)
- Air intake system
- Turbocharger heat shield
- Inspect for reuse
- Turbocharger, water-cooled
Exhaust system
- Exhaust manifold, dry
- Exhaust manifold heat shield
- Exhaust system - general information
Compressed air system
- Alternator adjusting link
- Alternator bracket
- Drive belt, alternator
- Electrical equipment - general information
- Starting motor
Electrical equipment
- Dynamometer worksheet
- Engine run-in (chassis dynamometer)
- Engine run-in (engine dynamometer)
- Engine run-in (without dynamometer)
- Engine testing - general information
- Engine testing (chassis dynamometer)
- Engine testing (engine dynamometer)
- Engine testing (in chassis)
- Service tools
Engine testing
- Engine support bracket, front
- Flywheel
- Flywheel housing
- Inspect for reuse
- Flywheel ring gear
- Mounting adaptations - general information
- Service tools
Electronic engine controls
- Electronic engine controls - general information
- Engine wiring harness
- OEM interface harness
- OEM wiring harness
Service literature