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BMW 2 (F45) since 2014, repair e-manual

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9 10 1
Publisher: © "Motorist"
ISBN: 977-129-542-367-4
Number of pages: 4473
Format: file PDF

About the manual

Engine type: B37 / B47 / B38 / B48

Engine capacity: 1.5 / 2.0 l.

In the manual you will find

  • Step-by-step guide to repair various components and assemblies
  • Self-care and maintenance instructions
  • Car design and prevention information
  • Information for a trip to the service station, if self-repair is not possible
Publisher: Motorist
Categories: BMW


Check compression of all cylinders

Engine identification

Engine oil change

Installing the exchange engine

Removing and installing engine

Removing and installing / replacing counterbalance shaft

Checking cylinder head for watertightness

Clean cylinder head intake channels and intake plenums

Remove and install / replace acoustic cover

Removing and installing cylinder head

Removing and installing / sealing cylinder head cover

Replace cylinder head gasket

Removing and installing, sealing or replacing oil sump

Removing and installing / renewing front engine acoustic cover

Removing and installing / sealing or replacing bottom timing case cover

Replacing rear crankshaft seal

Measuring the internal engine pressure

Removing and installing / replacing component carrier

Replacing all crankshaft main bearing shells

Replacing crankshaft

Removing and installing / replacing flywheel

Removing and installing / replacing vibration damper

Replace all connecting rod bearings

Removing and installing / replacing all pistons

Replacing piston rings on all pistons

Removing and installing / replacing counterbalance shaft

Replace tensioning device for drive belt of the alternator

Replacing drive belt for air conditioning compressor

Check the timing of the camshaft

Remove and install / replace chain tensioner piston

Removing and installing / replacing exhaust camshaft

Removing and installing / replacing both camshafts

Removing and installing / replacing intake camshaft

Removing and installing / replacing the hydraulic chain tensioner

Replacing both timing chains

Removing and installing / replacing all rocker arms

Removing and installing or replacing all valves - cylinder head removed

Removing and installing / replacing oil feed line

Removing and installing / sealing or replacing oil return line for exhaust turbocharger

Removing and installing / sealing the oil dipstick guide tube

Removing and installing or replacing coolant thermostat

Clean cylinder head intake channels and intake plenums

Removing and installing / replacing adjuster

Removing and installing / replacing air intake manifold

Removing and installing / replacing left charge air duct

Removing and installing / replacing the swirl-flap controller

Removing and installing / replacing vacuum pump

Remove and install / replace the exhaust-gas recirculation cooler