Honda XLR 125 since 1997, repair e-manual (in Spanish)
About the manual
Engine type: gasoline
In the manual you will find
- Step-by-step guide to repair various components and assemblies
- Self-care and maintenance instructions
- Motorbike design and prevention information
- Information for a trip to the service station, if self-repair is not possible
About the manual
Engine type: gasoline
In the manual you will find
- Step-by-step guide to repair various components and assemblies
- Self-care and maintenance instructions
- Motorbike design and prevention information
- Information for a trip to the service station, if self-repair is not possible
Informaciones generales
Agregados del chasis / sistema de escape
Sistema de lubricacion
Sistema de combustible
Remocion / instalacion del motor
Culata / valvulas
Cilindro / piston / arbol de levas
Embrague / sistema de cambio de marchas
Ciguenal / transmision/conjunto de arranque
Rueda delantera / freno/ suspension / direccion
Rueda trasera / freno / suspension
Bateria/sistema de carga
Sistema de encendido
Luces/instrumentos / interruptores
Diagrama electrico
Diagnostico de fallas