Наши книги можно приобрести по карточкам єПідтримка!

Popular books on car repair

Every day there are more and more cars on our roads. Manufacturers improve and update already well-established models and release new ones. Book publishers are not far behind. Every week, a lot of new auto literature comes out, and not every motorist will find time to understand such a huge number of seemingly similar offers on the market. To help you decide and choose the best from the existing assortment, the section of the site "We recommend" was created.

Here are presented only the most necessary, useful and high-quality publications, the most complete and detailed instructions for the operation and repair of cars popular in the CIS and in the world with detailed illustrations.

Also here you will find "board books" of any driver, dedicated to common questions, the answers to which everyone who gets behind the wheel should know.

The peculiarity of these electronic publications is that they will never "gather dust" among the many files on your computer. You will turn to them for help again and again with any questions related to your car. Thus, these books will be your great advisers for many years.