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Repair and service GMC cars in the eBook

GMC is the American automobile manufacturer General Motors, which brands SUVs, pickups, vans and trucks. The corporation appeared thanks to the fruitful work of several manufacturers, in the small town of Detroit. Olds Motor Vehicle is the first company that was part of the concern, its founder was Olds. Cadillac Automobile and Buick Motor started production over time, as founders Leland and Buick worked at Olds' production facility prior to launch. To avoid competition in the same city, Olds and Buick joined forces first, and in 1909 Cadillac and Oakland were added to them.

Over the next years, the corporation “absorbed” several more small producers, thereby strengthening its leading position and increasing production resources. By 1920, the well-known Chevrolet, McLaughlin Motor and Dayton Engineering laboratory entered the concern. The founder of the latter, Charles Kettering, invented the starter and became the chief scientist of the corporation. Over time, the concern began cooperation with foreign manufacturers, which later became part of the company - these are the British company Vauxhall and the German Opel.

The growth in demand for European cars caused a significant decline in production at GMC. With each decade, the market share in the sales fell, and even the fact that the corporation simultaneously began to engage in the production of household appliances did not save the general unprofitable state of the company. Then it was decided to expand production in the markets of Europe and Asia. In the 2000s, the corporation bought out:

  • 20% Fuji Heavy, which at that time were engaged in the production of Subaru cars;
  • 20% Fiat, which gave the right to control the production of Saab;
  • part of the South Korean company Daewoo.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the corporation went bankrupt. In the course of all the events, in 2009 a new company was created, which received the familiar name GMC. And the former corporation was renamed Motors Liquidation. Initially, it was planned that the company should be divided into unprofitable and profitable divisions. But there were no significant improvements, and the concern in 2017 sold the divisions of Opel and Vauxhall. Now on the roads you often meet representatives of General Motors, these are car brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC. Owners have to deal with the repair and maintenance of their vehicles from time to time. Every motorist who treats his car with care should know the basic nuances:

  • how to change oil;
  • how the electrical equipment of the car works;
  • how to replace brake pads;
  • how to repair the chassis.

For timely service, saving time and money, you must always have a dedicated manual on hand. The book on repair and operation of the GMC car in PDF format is able to solve any of your questions. Detailed information about the design of the car, repair instructions with detailed descriptions and illustrations will become your faithful assistant. The experience and advice of professionals are presented in a simple and accessible language. Download the book to your device and use it whenever you need it.